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Monday, 28 November 2016


On a dark windy night, as I sat upon the grass,
Looking up at the sky, thought to myself "alas",
I spoke to the only star left upon that beautiful night sky,
You remain alone, just like me, as the others went by.

He looked back at me as if I were a silly girl,
looking for something to smack at me and hurl,
"The others did leave me, and I remain alone,
I am the king of the universe, the sky, my throne.

They left you, for you were meant for things better still,
Forget your sorrow, buckle up, you have huge shoes to fill,
You are my reflection, and on the earth you reside,
To get to your destination, you shall swim against the tide.

When you reach the shore, a massive mirror shall await,
He shall teach you, as do I, you alone decide your fate."
The star said goodbye, and the sky began to lighten,
the night went by, but my thoughts began to widen.