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Monday, 26 December 2016


I kept it down and stepped inside,
without a helper or a guide;
Left behind my coffee and the couch,
the way inside was with a crouch.

I followed the long narrow road,
and entered a huge home abode;
met new people, shared a few laughs,
Went through their family photographs.

I lived there for a few good days,
Enjoyed the moon, and shining rays;
I sat with them, packed up their troubles,
Played with the little kid and his bubbles.

Came back outside to my domicile,
Stepped upon the same old marble tile;
Now a new story inside me dwells,
But to get to work, my clock compels.

And yet another one goes back to the rack,
Along with my entire adventurous stack;
my little cuboids of magic potion,
each as deep and wide as the ocean.

Monday, 19 December 2016


He traced, and retraced the steps he had taken,
as if, it would made the dead, awaken;
As if, she would magically wake up from her trance,
and gift him, his much needed chance.

He then, frustrated, looked up to the sky,
wished upon a star, shooting by;
Closing his eyes, he hoped for a miracle,
A genie to appear, and to help him tackle.

He would not require the three mandatory wishes,
but just the one, to make one undead, no less;
He, whose gender, he wanted to be a surprise,
sadly his decision, she had blamed for the demise.

So many what ifs, and a few dozen maybes,
none, however, could make their sorrows decrease,
He lost not one, but two, that fateful date,

One to death, and the other to hate.

Those eyes, that nose, did not leave his sight,
even in his dreams, try as he might,
He had looked just like her, minus a beating heart,
and so, funnily enough, death did do them part.

Walking away, in the moonless night,
with a howling cry, as two wolves begin to fight;
Maybe hell would have an answer for him,
His punishment, he hoped to find at hell's rim.

Monday, 12 December 2016


Mirror, mirror on my wall,
Here I stand, dressed up as a doll,
kohled eyes, and made up hair,
Bright red lips, a gown I wear.

‘You are the prettiest of the lot’,
to repeat this, you are bought.
Tomorrow, unkempt I will be,
A pretty girl, you still shall see.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
you are, but a parrot, in my hall.
Remember what I am about to utter,
Repeat after me, and do not stutter,

"The beauty in your eyes I will admire,
Regardless of your body, face or attire."

Monday, 5 December 2016


Once in a huge castle, there lived an evil Queen,
In a long distant past, untainted, she had been,
Mesmerizing them all, whoever she had seen,
Just standing in front of them, tall and lean.

Her power today reached heaven and above,
Her hatred intense extinguished all the love,
As a pointed finger, of a hand ungloved,
Threw him far off with just a little shove.

He, who once, was the master of them all,
Today lay there in the mere shape of a ball,
And so she felt herself getting tall,
Stepping on the one whom she had made fall.

Today, above him, she stood strong,
Overpowering them all with her magic wrong,
Drunk on power, she began to sing her song,
And went back on her throne, as one played the gong.

Monday, 28 November 2016


On a dark windy night, as I sat upon the grass,
Looking up at the sky, thought to myself "alas",
I spoke to the only star left upon that beautiful night sky,
You remain alone, just like me, as the others went by.

He looked back at me as if I were a silly girl,
looking for something to smack at me and hurl,
"The others did leave me, and I remain alone,
I am the king of the universe, the sky, my throne.

They left you, for you were meant for things better still,
Forget your sorrow, buckle up, you have huge shoes to fill,
You are my reflection, and on the earth you reside,
To get to your destination, you shall swim against the tide.

When you reach the shore, a massive mirror shall await,
He shall teach you, as do I, you alone decide your fate."
The star said goodbye, and the sky began to lighten,
the night went by, but my thoughts began to widen.